
The Food and Future Fund

“If only I could do something to help on climate change and help people in need who are suffering because of the pandemic too.” So many of us feel this way. Here’s how you CAN make a positive difference for the environment and your neighbors with the same simple but powerful action.

Step 1: You start by harnessing the original solar power: hang up a clothesline to dry your laundry instead of using a machine dryer. You will save $120 per year if you dry at home or $500 per year if you use a laundromat. You’ll reduce your annual carbon footprint by half a ton, and your clothes will last longer too. That’s your good deed for the climate.

Step 2: Call or visit your bank to create a simple “handprint savings account.” Set up an automatic monthly transfer of as much of the savings from your clothesline as you can afford, from your normal checking account into your savings account. You’ll reinvest your savings in other energy-saving, money-saving, climate-saving, handprint-creating actions.

Step 3 is the bank’s turn. Banks are encouraged to make a tax-deductible donation to organizations that provide emergency food assistance and other vital services to members of our community in their time of need. Banks are asked to increase this donation each time a new person opens a new handprint savings account, so your account helps local families in need!

Step 4: Celebrate these positive actions in a beautiful, visible way. Use permanent markers to turn an old t-shirt into an inspiring flag that you fly on your clothesline (and maybe even wear in public!?) Include a colorful handprint, the logo of your bank, and “York.” Your flag says “Thank you” to your bank, and it tells all of that you are supporting your neighbors in these challenging days. If you can, please celebrate in the web too! You can share a photo of your clothesline using the free web-based platform Click to take the action “Food and Future Fund” and when you do, you’ll be invited to “Share your progress with the world.”
From there you can type a comment and attach a photo.

Step 5: Grow the SaveWave, by helping two more York households to do this too.
Your “help” should be only what you are able to safely offer. It might be helping them buy or install the clothesline. It might be just encouragement, which is already a lot!

Nobody in York will feel alone when they see your “handprints for York” flag flying in the breeze. And I’ll be flying mine for you too

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