"...York EcoHOMES is a great way for residents to help accomplish the Town of York's goal of 50% reduction in greenhouse gases by 2030.“

-Steve Burns, Former York Town Manager

York EcoHOMES can help you reduce your greenhouse gas emissions.

Sign Up Here

Commit to taking on climate actions at your home. Each month, York Ready for Climate Action will showcase an eco-friendly action that you can implement at home or in your daily life.

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What is a York EcoHOME?

A York EcoHOME is a York household that commits to receiving and considering Eco-Friendly actions that will reduce its greenhouse gas emissions.

Why is my participation so important?

Given that our residential buildings are responsible for 46% of all York’s emissions (not including our vehicles), York can not reach this goal without your help…..without York residents doing their part to reduce emission coming from our homes.

Where can I find previous EcoHOMES actions?

Click HERE to read EcoHOMES actions from months past.

Why should I sign up for York EcoHOMES?

3 Good Reasons:

1) You care about the environment and this is an easy way for you to help reverse global warming.

2) Most actions are low- or no-cost. Many of them will save you money. And you decide which ones you want to implement.

3) You want to be part of a Town-wide, community-wide effort. The York’s Board of Selectmen voted to adopt the goal of 50% reduction in York’s greenhouse gas emission by 2030, joining over 10,000 towns and cities worldwide that have made this commitment.